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You can refer to the example folder for different use cases.

The example_service contains a minimal FastAPI application for task management with CRUD endpoints for users and tasks.

It uses in-memory dictionaries for data storage, so of course this is just for testing and learning purposes.

It comes with a set of test files which test compatibility with 3 different types.

  1. Pydantic BaseModel
  2. Python dataclasses
  3. No class, rely on dicts and lists

Packages Used

  1. FastAPI==0.112.2
  2. Pydantic==2.8.2
  3. Uvicorn==0.30.6


To run the example FastAPI application, simply go to the example directory at the project root, and run bash, and you shoule be able to access the Swagger docs at http://localhost:8080/docs

Alternatively, you can set up your own virtualenv, and install the requirements.example.txt and run uvicorn app.main:app.

To generate the Arrest boilerplate from the OpenAPI specs, simply run the FastAPI application using uvicorn at, and run the arrest CLI as followed:

$ arrest -u http://localhost:8080/openapi.json -d example_service
This will generate, containing the Pydantic schemas corresponding to the OpenAPI components, a containing the RESTful resource definitions and a containing the service definition that includes the resources.

To use the service, simply call example_service.users.get("").

Running Tests

Create a virtualenv that contains the dependencies in the example directory, and run pytest -vvv.